The revised second edition of the book is intended to meet the requirement of the students of science, engineering and other professional courses at the undergraduate level. It has been planned strictly in line with the syllabi of various Indian Universities who have adopted the new ten-plus-two-plus-three pattern of education. A new chapter on Macromolecules has been added, thus making a total of 27 chapters in the revised edition. Chapters on Chemical Equilibrium, Colligative Properties, Atomic Structures, Chemical Bonding have been thoroughly reshuffled and rewritten. Chapter 25 has been rearranged and divided into two chapters viz., Molecular Spectroscopy and Electrical and Magnetic Properties. New sections have been added to chapters on Gaseous State, Colligative Properties, Electrolytic Conduction, Ionic Equilibria, Chemical Kinetics, Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding. Other chapters have also been modified and redesigned.
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