The 8088 And 8086 Microprocessors: Programming, Interfacing, Software, Hardware And Applications is a book that targets future designers of microprocessor-based electronic equipment, providing them with a systems-level insight into the 8086, and 8088 microprocessors. This book provides the readers with insight into assembling, running, and debugging programs. It also explains how to develop, troubleshoot, and test interface circuits.
There are 15 chapters present in this book, and some of them include Assembly Language Programming, Assembly Language Program Development With MASM, Memory Devices, Circuits And Subsystem Design, Connecting Assembly Language To C, Software Architecture Of The 8088 And 8086 Microprocessors, Interrupt Interface Of The 8088 And 8086 Microprocessors, and Introduction To Microprocessors And Microcomputers.
Some other chapters include Real-Mode Software And Hardware Architecture Of The 80286 Microprocessor, 8088/8086 Programming-Control Flow Instructions And Program Structures, Machine Language Coding And The Debug Software Development Program Of The PC, The 80386, 80486 And Pentium Processor Families: Hardware Architecture, and 8088/8086 Programming-Integer Instructions And Computations.
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